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Six steps of injection molding

  • 来源:东莞市昶远塑胶制品有限公司
  • 发布日期:2023-05-12
  • 访问量:1007 次
  • 所属栏目:Industry

Injection molding manufacturer is free to use a die again and again to create their products. The size of the market more than $280 billion in 2016. For such a huge industry, sustainability is a key factor. Plastic sustainable not only, and the sustainability of machine has also run all day. First of all, is happening in a deep study of problems and needs to be fixed before innovation, it is very important to understand the working principle of plastic injection.

Injection molding is done in the middle of a six step process.

First is the clamping process of injection molding. Before clamping unit in injection mold assembly together of the device. Both sides of the mold to be included in the unit, then the machine will be pushed the two together, to prepare for the next step: injection.

Once clamping phase is complete and put together two and a half, plastic injection was started. Then will usually in the form of particles of the plastic pump into the container, will they melt into a complete liquid in the container. Then the liquid injection mold, keep the temperature in the whole process.

Remains the next stage, at this stage plastic is filled into the whole mould. This is done by pressure. Adding to pressure on the mould, make the plastic cover all cavity, to ensure that the product correctly.

The fourth step is cooling phase, as well as direct. Mold is placed separately, so the internal plastic can be cooled and began to solid is formed within the mould.

The next step is to open mold.

The next step is stripping, removed from the mold plastic products

Environmental problem is focused on the plastic industry. This concern is not only energy use in equipment, but also including the plastic waste. The two go hand in hand, because the equipment for maintenance better able to forecast the quality of the production of waste plastics and limitation. Use strategies such as energy saving and recycling waste plastics machine is to let all become more sustainable. In addition to the limit the waste plastics, many manufacturers still use common plastic alternatives, such as plastic, compared with ordinary traditional plastics, bioplastics can be biodegradable in a shorter period of time.